Friday 29 March 2013

Filming day 3 plan

This saturday we are going to film the fisherman scene and the scene where Joel's character finds the box as they are both going to be filmed at the same location. we have chosen to film these scenes on the shore of lough neagh as we have been there before and believe it is the ideal location.

The fisherman is going to be played by ryan as we believe he looks old. we have an aran jumper, flat cap and wellington boots for him. We do not know anybody who could lend us a fishing net and they are rather expensive so instead we are going to use an old style fishing rod and ryan is going to see from the corner of his eye, the box floating ashore. he will then pick it up and become possessed on the shore. when he awakes he will see the box and run away from it. Joel's character will then find it at a later time.

Joel's will be walking along the shore of the lough like his character (a loner) would typically do. he will come across the box and become possessed like the others. when he awakens he remains possessed though and takes the box home with him. when he awakens he brings the box to the forest where the ring leader buried it and reburies it.

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