Monday 1 April 2013

Filming day 3 update

Filming on saturday weekend went well. We got all of the fisherman's scenes done and we have also completed all of the footage for joel's character.

One small problem is that although we had an old style fishing rod we did not have a reel as none of us own one and this presented some continuity issues. We still shot all of the footage without the reel to see if it would work but when we reviewed the footage on the mac in school we decided we should reshoot the shots.
This is not a major issue as i purchased an old style fishing reel outside of school and it will really help with the continuity.

We also noticed that the lough shore would be a great location for the opening scene of the ring leader ritual. we re therefore going to return to the lough this weekend and shoot the ritual scene when it gets dark, but during the day we can reshoot the fisherman scenes so all is well.

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