Monday 29 April 2013

Band Website

We have begun work on a website to promote the band. Jim is very good with IT and he has been putting a lot of work into the website but we need some photos of Chris/Our Krypton Son. We have contacted Chris asking him to provide us with photos but he is currently unable to do so. We are therefore thinking of dressing in typical indie clothing and posing as the band.

Friday 26 April 2013

Digipak update

We have designed the front and back page for our digipak. The front is the ring leader holding the box with tarot cards all around him and the back i the fire from the ritual scene.

Front cover

Back cover

Wednesday 24 April 2013


We have been given our digipak template in order to design it to the set dimension. Below is the template we have been given and are going to use to design our digipak.

Monday 22 April 2013

Editing update

The editing is almost complete and the video is looking fantastic. Switching to proxy media has made the editing process a lot faster and has enhanced the quality of the video. We video should be complete shortly.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Editing begins 2

All of the clips are now converted using proxy media. We will now start the editing process over again.

Friday 12 April 2013

Editing problems

We have been editing the video, putting all of the clips together  and adding transitions etc. We have been doing this on the big mac as the laptops cannot handle the quality of the footage.

We had the majority of the video edited but we did nit use proxy media and the clips were therefore jumping and lagging.

We have made the decision to convert all of the clips to proxy media and start the editing process again. Although this will take some time it will help the editing process run smoother and will improve the quality f the final video.

Monday 8 April 2013

Filming is complete / Editing Begins

We are now finished filming as we have all of the footage that we require for our music video and we are happy with all of it.

We will now begin the editing process of our music video.

Filming dy 4 update

At the weekend we got all of the footage that we needed for the fisherman scene and the ring leader's ritual scene. We are glad that we re-shot the fisherman's scene as the continuity really helps.

We are also very happy with the shots that we have including a fire in the ritual scene which explodes on command of the ring leader.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Filming day 4 plan

This sunday we are going to re-shoot the fisherman scenes with the old reel and rod as we weren't happy with the previous footage due to continuity errors. we have recognised these errors and are therefore going to fix them. we will film the same scenes in the same location.

On sunday night we are also going to film the ring leader ritual scene. This will be filmed around the corner from the fisherman location. It is still on the lough shore but further up as there is a big hill right beside the shore which we feel would be the perfect location for this scene.

Monday 1 April 2013

Filming day 3 update

Filming on saturday weekend went well. We got all of the fisherman's scenes done and we have also completed all of the footage for joel's character.

One small problem is that although we had an old style fishing rod we did not have a reel as none of us own one and this presented some continuity issues. We still shot all of the footage without the reel to see if it would work but when we reviewed the footage on the mac in school we decided we should reshoot the shots.
This is not a major issue as i purchased an old style fishing reel outside of school and it will really help with the continuity.

We also noticed that the lough shore would be a great location for the opening scene of the ring leader ritual. we re therefore going to return to the lough this weekend and shoot the ritual scene when it gets dark, but during the day we can reshoot the fisherman scenes so all is well.