Friday 29 March 2013

Filming day 3 plan

This saturday we are going to film the fisherman scene and the scene where Joel's character finds the box as they are both going to be filmed at the same location. we have chosen to film these scenes on the shore of lough neagh as we have been there before and believe it is the ideal location.

The fisherman is going to be played by ryan as we believe he looks old. we have an aran jumper, flat cap and wellington boots for him. We do not know anybody who could lend us a fishing net and they are rather expensive so instead we are going to use an old style fishing rod and ryan is going to see from the corner of his eye, the box floating ashore. he will then pick it up and become possessed on the shore. when he awakes he will see the box and run away from it. Joel's character will then find it at a later time.

Joel's will be walking along the shore of the lough like his character (a loner) would typically do. he will come across the box and become possessed like the others. when he awakens he remains possessed though and takes the box home with him. when he awakens he brings the box to the forest where the ring leader buried it and reburies it.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Filming day 2 update

After the weekends filming we have some excellent footage.

Everything went well and we have all of the footage we need for the forest scene of the ring leader bringing the box and burying it for the hunter to find. Ryan looked well in his costume an the mask was an excellent addition.

We also have all of the footage that we need for the hunter scene. Jonathons costume and props were amazing and for never having acted before he did a very good job.

Friday 22 March 2013

Filming day 2 plan

This weekend we are going to film the ring leader scene burying the box in the forest. the ring leader is going to be played by fellow rj3 member Ryan. He will be dressed in a black cloak and we have painted a white mask with some blue lines to add to his characters celtic appearance. The scene is going to be filmed in Crumlin Glen along the river.

Whilst we are in the forest we are also going to film the hunter finding the box after the ring leader has buried it and then the hunter throwing the box into the river. The hunter will be played by a friend of Ryan's named Jonathon. We have chosen Jonathon for this role as he is interested in medieval archery etc and he has the costume of the time period we are trying to portray including a bow and arrows.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Filming day 1 update

Filming went well last night. The room that we filmed in had bare plaster walls which really emphasised Joel's characters persona of being a loner/weirdo. We got all of the indoor scenes of Joel's character done and we are happy with the footage we have got.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Filming day 1 plan

Tonight we are going to film one of the scenes of our music video. Our location is an empty house under construction owned by a fellow class member which will help us portray the minimalist/loner persona of Joel's character. We have a trench coat and gel for Joel to combover his hair which will fit the loner appearance. Myself, Jim and Joel are going to meet Ryan on location as he lives nearby.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

All systems go

We have contacted Chris from Our Krypton Son and told him about our new idea. he likes this new idea and asks that we continue to develop the idea and make this into a music video for his song Ill Wind.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Underground POV

This is another interesting shot which could be used in our video. although there is some text placed over the image you can still see the image. it is a point of view from underground showing the characters hands digging something up.

Shovel camera

As the characters in our video are going to find a box one of our ideas was that one of the characters could dig up the bog for some reason and i have found this very interesting camera shot with the camera placed on the end of a shovel. This is a great shot and believe we will use it in our video.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Illustrative guideline to new idea

Our new idea centres around a box being filled with evil spirits and the box then being found. The box when opened causes who ever opens it to be possessed by the spirit inside and suffer out of body expriences etc.

Narrative outline

Video begins with a Celtic pagan ritual. ring leader taking spirits/memories out of his body and placing them in the box. The ring leader is covered in dirt and grime, his hair is grey and his hands are wrapped in cloth. This will be filmed on a beach in dusk/night time. The ring leader will be wearing a black cloak and you will never see their face, only their mask. After the ritual is complete the ringleader buries the box in the forest.

Theres a hunter from olden times, he is hunting with a bow and arrow. He is dressed in old green cloth. Dirt lines his face and he is skinny, as if he never has enough to eat. The hunter sees the box and then investigates and digs up the box. he opens the box and then begins to go crazy, eyes turn black (using black contact lenses). Cut to the hunter just lying in the dirt, eyes closed. He looks like he has been there for a while. He opens his eyes, they have returned to normal. He sees the box, he then picks it up and throws it into the river.

Cut to an older style fisher man. He is dressed in a thick woollen jumper and a woollen hat. He is pulling in a net from over the side of a rock wall. Cut to him going through the contents of the net. He comes across the box. Wipes seaweed off of it. He slowly lifts the lid open and takes a peek inside. He falls onto his back from his kneeling position and passes out. Cut to him carrying the box wrapped in old cloth along the beach. He digs a hole in the sand with his hands and buries the box.

The next shot is of a 70's young man on a beach with a metal detector. He finds the buried box and opens it but this time there is a different effect of the spirit entering his body from the box, similar to that from the start when it was originally put into the box. Shot of him at home in dark room nothing but the tv for light as video of OKS is on the tv, he sits lifeless in the chair. Next shot he is going into the woods with a shovel and digs a big hole and climbs in. He then lies down with the box. It is now that we see that his eyes have also changed. The camera then changes to a shot of the original ring leader standing over the grave filling it in. 

Box idea

We have recently came up with a new idea. Its consists of a box containing evil, overpowering spirits from the an establishing character who rids them from himself into the box. He then buries the box and it is then found by a number of other characters they become possessed or overwhelmed by these powers and all suffer a vision (to be discussed) and they then wish to free themselves and re-bury the box for it only to be rediscovered by another person and the cycle continues.

We have sent a brief description to OKS and have received positive feedback that they are interested in this idea and would like us to elaborate.

Friday 1 March 2013

New ideas

These are some ideas we have since we received the feedback from OKS that they wanted a darker, more abstract feel to the video. Ideas